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CashNotify for Mac

Monitor your Stripe accounts from the menu bar.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

CashNotify overview

CashNotify lets you monitor your Stripe accounts from your Mac's menu bar.

  • Menu bar app: Install and forget. CashNotify lives in your macOS menu bar, so that's one less icon in your Dock. And it starts automatically, so you can forget about it.
  • Notifications: Receive alerts for successful and failed payments in your Mac's Notification Center. CashNotify always runs in the background, so you don't miss anything.
  • Configurable Events: Decide which type of Stripe events you want to track and get notifications for. It includes captured payments, failed payments, refunds and payouts.
  • Payment details: Click on an event to reveal your customer’s details and the fees for this transaction.
  • Multiple Stripe accounts: Add multiple Stripe accounts to see their revenue combined on the app’s dashboard.
  • Secure: Data comes straight from Stripe to your desktop. No intermediate server is involved. Your Stripe API key is encrypted in your local keychain.
  • Easy setup: Your Stripe API key is the only thing required to get CashNotify running.
  • Works with any service using Stripe Shopify, Squarespace, BigCommerce, Plasso, BigCartel, Boost, Weebly, and hundred others.

What’s new in version 3.3.2

Version 2.5.2:
  • Stop using a deprecated Stripe option, as requested by Stripe. This should improve performance a bit for Stripe accounts with lots of events
View older CashNotify versions

CashNotify for Mac

In English
Version 3.3.2
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(1 Reviews of CashNotify)

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  • User Ratings

Jun 10 2017
Jun 10 2017
Version: 2.1.1
We release frequent updates (with fix / new features), as often as weekly. Enable "Pre-releases" in Prefs > Updates.
Jun 10 2017
Jun 10 2017
Version: null