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Cashflows for Mac

Forecast your future bank account balance.

In English

Cashflows overview

Cashflows helps you forecast future balances of your bank accounts. It's simple to set up and requires minimal effort to maintain.

  • Multiple accounts: Add multiple accounts and set up recurring or manual transfers between them.
  • Recurring transactions: Supports recurring transactions with start date, end date (optional) and many recurrence options.
  • Warning balance: Set a warning balance for an account and see at a glance when your balance is below it.
  • Interactive forecast graph: Shows your future balance over time, highlighting warning balance and negative regions; tap the graph for a closer look at the nearby transactions.
  • Multiple account selection: CMD+Click multiple accounts to cycle through them as a group and compare balances on the graph.
  • Generate reports in PDF, CSV or XML
  • iCloud Sync with Cashflows for iOS: http://appstore.com/nicolacavanagh/cashflows
  • Backup and restore your data to Dropbox or iTunes.

What’s new in version 1.1.14

Version 1.1.14:
  • Fixed crash when enabling iCloud Sync.
View older Cashflows versions

Cashflows for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.14
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