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HomeBusinessInventory ManagementCapital Asset Inventory Tracker

Capital Asset Inventory Tracker for Mac

Track individual items or inventory assets.

In English

Capital Asset Inventory Tracker overview

Capital Asset Inventory Tracker (CAIT5) helps you track the condition, cost, serial number, budget, funding, manufacturer, model, movement history, and miscellaneous information for individual items.

Locations can be tiered up to as many levels as needed such as:
  • District-Campus-Building
  • City-Dealer-Lot-Warehouse-Section
  • Region-Manager-Rep
  • Warehouse-Section-Rack
  • Discipline-Subject-Author, etc...

Two pre-built report generators provide an overview of selected items and locations with costs. The program provides free form searches, reports, and labels. Items are automatically assigned a sequential Number and Tag. The Tag can be replaced with your item identifier, and printed in bar code. Items can be moved between locations individually or in groups.

Notes: CAIT version 4 Users should "Export to CAIT v5" from the File menu before installing this new version. After installation "Import from CAIT v4 " from the File menu.

What’s new in version 5.211215

Version 5.211215:
  • Fixed menu bar for some dialogs.
  • Improved Duplicates Search.
  • Added Check list and Value list reports.
  • Cosmetic improvements to Tiered Cost report.
  • Improved moving one location to another.
View older Capital Asset Inventory Tracker versions

Capital Asset Inventory Tracker for Mac

In English
Version 5.211215
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(1 Reviews of Capital Asset Inventory Tracker)

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  • User Ratings

Jul 4 2016
Jul 4 2016
Version: 3.20160701
OMG – how ugly and expensive. FileMaker shells are so useless. Build your own for a lot less than 300 dollars.
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