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HomeGamesCard GamesBVS Solitaire Collection

BVS Solitaire Collection for Mac

Collection of solitaire games.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

BVS Solitaire Collection overview

BVS Solitaire Collection is a collection of 455 multi-featured, very different solitaire card games for Mac. You will be able to learn solitaires not found elsewhere. You can modify rules of almost any of the included games, thus creating your own solitaire variation. BVS Solitaire Collection gives you the plethora of statistical and scoring screens. And you can publish your personal statistics on the BVS Solitaire Collection Web site to appear in the top scores list.

What’s new in version 3.61.02

  • 5 games were added: Hunter, Indefatigable, Luckier Thirteen, Trace, Usk.
View older BVS Solitaire Collection versions

BVS Solitaire Collection for Mac

In English
Version 3.61.02
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(1 Reviews of BVS Solitaire Collection)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

May 14 2012
May 14 2012
Version: 1.00
It was my long time favorite on Windows. And now I can play it on my Mac.
May 14 2012
May 14 2012
Version: null