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HomeGamesBoard GamesBusiness Bingo

Business Bingo for Mac

Replicates old-fashioned bingo-call equipment.

In English

Business Bingo overview

Business Bingo (BB) is a computer program that performs all the functions of old-fashioned bingo-calling equipment. There is no need for the blower box with the ping-pong balls, the rack to hold the balls, the flash board displaying the called numbers, and the winning pattern display. All that is required to use BB is a computer and a method of displaying the computer data, such as a TV or projector and screen.

Business Bingo is $50 shareware; users can try Business Bingo in demo mode for ten minutes per launch without registering. Registration removes this limitation.

What’s new in version 3.0.1

Version 3.0.1:
  • Fixed an issue when used with Catalina, macOS 10.15
View older Business Bingo versions

Business Bingo for Mac

In English
Version 3.0.1
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