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HomeGamesAdventureBurly Men at Sea

Burly Men at Sea for Mac

Bearded fishermen that seek adventure.

In English

Burly Men at Sea overview

Burly Men at Sea is a folktale about a trio of large, bearded fishermen who step away from the ordinary to seek adventure.

Set in the waters of early 20th-century Scandinavia, the game's story branches through a series of encounters with creatures from folklore. You play as storyteller and wayfinder, shaping the narrative around three ungainly heroes. Play through once for a single tale, then set sail again to uncover paths to new adventures.

What’s new in version 1.4.3

Version 1.4.3:
  • We've tweaked fonts and adjusted text placement to keep Burly Men at Sea looking beautiful.
View older Burly Men at Sea versions

Burly Men at Sea for Mac

In English
Version 1.4.3
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(1 Reviews of Burly Men at Sea)

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Jan 23 2020
Jan 23 2020
Version: 1.4.2
Sorry but that title just screams Monty Python sketch. Or South park's "Two Guys naked in a hot tub".
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