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Budget Workbook overview

Budget Workbook helps you track your expenses to see where you are spending your Money. View reports that show you your expenses overtime, by category, or against your expense limits. Your expense pattern can be loaded into Budget when you want to upgrade.

What’s new in version 1.8.0

Version 1.8.0:
  • Full support for Dark Mode.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed some minor code issues with 32/64 bit compatibility.
  • Fixed a couple very small memory leaks.
View older Budget Workbook versions

Budget Workbook for Mac

In English
Version 1.8.0
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(1 Reviews of Budget Workbook)

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Jul 27 2006
Jul 27 2006
Version: 1.2.1
It would be nice to extend this app to keep track of accounts - and income as well as expenses. Then it could also be a check book balancer type application. I am trying to find good software for this, but so far Excel has been the best option.
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