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BioQuotes for Mac

14,650 quotes by 5,500 authors dealing with life.

In English

BioQuotes overview

BioQuotes has quotations that deal with Life and the lives we lead by everyone from Socrates to Sting, Cleopatra to Cher. They include the wisest and wittiest words ever spoken during recorded history. With 14,650 quotes by 5,500 authors, it's the definitive collection for your digital desktop!

A truly unique aspect of BioQuotes is that each quotation is presented individually for maximum impact. The quotes are organized into seven beautifully-designed Parts, each with its own colorful background. The parts are: Definitions, Dichotomies, Writing, Art, Existence, Humor, and Eating. Finding a specific quote is easy with the extensive search capabilities, which include searching by word, phrase or author. There is a useful Author Index and helpful biographical data on 700 of the most quoted authors.

BioQuotes is reference software that has been in development on the Mac platform for two decades. The software provides easy desktop access without the need for time-consuming searches on the Internet. It can be a valuable resource for students, speakers and professionals who want to add zest to a paper, speech or presentation.

What’s new in version 5.0

Version 5.0:
  • Added 650 quotes.
  • Reduced authors by 100.
  • Updated Author Details to early 2014.
  • Added 116 "Mini-bios".
  • Edited quotes extensively.
View older BioQuotes versions

BioQuotes for Mac

In English
Version 5.0
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(10 Reviews of BioQuotes)

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  • User Ratings

Jul 17 2010
Jul 17 2010
Version: 4.2.1
And my reply. When using the word "Steal" I was not meaning it in the literal sense as I am quite aware that they are most likely in the public domain. However they are not created by you, but someone else's work and effort that you are capitalizing on and as such I believe you are profiteering off of some one else's creative efforts. Additionally their have been plenty of free quotes display software available during the history of computers. For instance the DEC PDP11 series, over 30 years ago, under RT and RSX always displayed a daily quote at login. As you indicated you quotes are public domain and therefore many website have such listings that can be found with a simple search, easily created during a login sequence for free. While I have not looked lately, I am almost positive that their are similar programs and widgets also available for free. Based on your product and response it strikes me that you may be a disciple of the great performer - W.C. Fields. Allow me to provide you with a quote of his - for free: " It is immoral to allow a sucker to keep his money."
Jul 16 2010
Jul 16 2010
Version: 4.2.1
Now let me get this straight. This developer steals quotes, from other peoples creative efforts ; puts them into a file; and then tries to profit from their efforts. I think got it now.
Jul 16 2010
Jul 16 2010
Version: 4.2.1
Or get 264 million hits on "Quotes" for free on Google. http://www.google.com/search?q=quotes&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
Apr 20 2007
Apr 20 2007
Version: 4.0.3
This is insane?! 25 bucks for this? Are they insane?
Apr 19 2007
Apr 19 2007
Version: 4.0.3
I really can't fathom why anyone would pay $1 for this, let alone $14. As I said in a previous review, this would be a wonderful candidate for Perversiontracker if it was still being updated . . . BTW, if this type of thing amuses you, grab Darwinports (Fink would work too I'd imagine), install fortune, and build up your own quote file. Or -- here's a real innovative idea, keep a list of quotes in a document (Word, Pages, Rich Text, whatever floats your boat) and just open it up. That is, unless a tacky PowerPoint/HyperCard presentation is worth $14 to you.
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