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HomeGamesSimulationBingo Caller Pro

Bingo Caller Pro for Mac

Full-featured bingo caller for private or group use.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Bingo Caller Pro overview

Bingo Caller Pro is a full-featured bingo caller, appropriate for private or group use. A large, easy-to-read Flash Board displays which numbers have been called. Automatic, Manual, Click, and Skip modes are provided. The user can choose to call numbers or have them called by the computer. Up to two winning patterns are supported; there are over 100 default patterns and you can add your own. Wild Number, Speedy, Bonanza, Zippy, Even/Odd, Computer Call Back of Called or Uncalled Numbers, Billboard, Last Number, Next Number, and other features are provided. The user can print his own bingo sheets, each with four unique and numbered patterns. User settings are saved between sessions.

Bingo Caller Pro is shareware, and may be tried in demo mode for ten minutes after each launch without registration.

What’s new in version 5.0.1

Version 5.0.1:
  • Fixed a problem when using Catalina (macOS 10.15)
View older Bingo Caller Pro versions

Bingo Caller Pro for Mac

In English
Version 5.0.1
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(1 Reviews of Bingo Caller Pro)

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  • User Ratings

Feb 14 2009
Feb 14 2009
Version: 1.2
This program is very easy to use and is a great full functioning bingo caller. We use the program for our community bingo and it does such a great job. The options are very straightforward and concise and you can easily adapt the program to fit your needs. The program actually has multiple ways to play bingo and there are many many pattern selections for your game. You can even create your own winning pattern which we have done. For $20, this is a no-brainer. Enjoy!
Feb 14 2009
Feb 14 2009
Version: null