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Bible Sander for Mac

Presents the scriptures in an easy-to-read format.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Bible Sander overview

Bible Sander helps you present Scriptures in an uncluttered way. When you copy Scriptures from bible software or off-bible websites, you typically will get verse numbers and reference marks throughout the quoted material. Removing the verse numbers and reference marks by hand is a tedious process, but Bible Sander turns this into an easy one-step action. If you quote Scriptures often in written material, Bible Sander will save you a lot of time and effort and give you very professional results that are easy to read! Bible Sander is specifically designed to work with Scriptures obtained from the Web site. Bible Sander will also work with material from other bible software packages.

What’s new in version 2.4.2

  • Maintenance update.
View older Bible Sander versions

Bible Sander for Mac

In English
Version 2.4.2
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(2 Reviews of Bible Sander)

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  • User Ratings

Mar 4 2007
Mar 4 2007
Version: 2.0
Very useful, thanks (Hi Admin)!
Jun 24 2006
Jun 24 2006
Version: 1.3.2
If you need to copy passages of the Bible for use in Powerpoint or for your Church activities, and don't own have a Bible software package, or don't have the translation you want to use, then Bible Sander might be just what you are looking for. BibleSander works with the biblegateway website. (www.biblegateway.com) where you can access a whole range of Bible translations in different languages without having to own a license to use them. However, obviously you need to be online to use it. The strength of this application is that to have the same facility in any of the major Bible software packages such as the Online Bible or Accordance Bible Software would be very expensive. Using Bible Sander is simple. You access the biblegateway website, type in the passage you need, and copy and paste it into Bible Sander. Bible Sander then formats and outputs this passage all ready for use in your word processor, presentation or publishing software. Because it is dependant on the biblegateway website, BibleSander dosen't give you the many additional benefits which a good Bible Software application will give you, but if your bible software needs are basic, then BibleSander might be just the job. At $9.95 (or £5.50) Bible Sander is inexpensive and it may be the answer to your prayers.
Jun 24 2006
Jun 24 2006
Version: null