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Beanflows for Mac

Attractive project-file manager.

In English

Beanflows overview

Beanflows is a delightfully green and easy-to-use project-file manager. You'll get started in no time, managing and organizing your files. You'll discover how Beanflows truly makes you more productive. And soon you'll realize that achieving your goals comes more naturally and ecologically - one bean at a time.

You can think about a bean in terms of a project. You may treat bean as simply one piece of 'stuff' that can produce a certain result and you have to work with at least one file to accomplish that. You put in it text files, documents, images, Photoshop files, source code repositories, Web-page links and almost everything that is connected to the work you do - and Beanflows manages it for you.

In Beanflows you can see your files in the context of tasks you perform and the projects you develop. You focus better because you can see only the files you really need in order to complete a given task. By using Beanflows you also manage the flow of incoming files.

Beanflows gives you a unique perspective on your files and directory structure, however, it doesn’t lock them. It makes no use of any database and your files reside on the hard drive in original formats. And Finder is just one click away.

What’s new in version 1.7.1

Version 1.7.1:
  • Fixed flickering on window resize.
View older Beanflows versions

Beanflows for Mac

In English
Version 1.7.1
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(1 Reviews of Beanflows)

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  • User Ratings

Aug 12 2013
Aug 12 2013
Version: 1.6.1
This could be very interesting but the fact that it actually moves files into its own hierarchy is not usable for me. If it were to link files without moving them I'd give it a go.
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