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Bagpipe Player for Mac

Write and view note sheets for bagpipes.

In English

Bagpipe Player overview

Bagpipe Player is an app for macOS uses very popular format BWW BMW- files for writing music of the bagpipe. Basic functions: show files as musical notes sheet, for playing and printing. Bagpipe Player play tunes like Great Highland Bagpipe with drones and embellishments. Authentic sound sampled from real GHB and Practice chanter.

Customizations available:
  • Sound of the practice chanter or bagpipe
  • Sound of the drones
  • Sound volume of drones and chanter
  • Duration of the grace notes
  • Tempo
  • Tone of the sound from -5 to +5 halftone
  • Height of the music staff
  • Background for the sheet of notes
Additional functionality:
  • Create PDF, print and email it
  • Do delay begin of playback for training
  • Highlight a section of the tune and repeat it
  • Turn on sound of the metronome

The Bagpipe Player copies some bww files to the folder "~Music/Bagpipe Player" for demonstration purpose and training. These files got from open sources of the internet. Bagpipe Player will be useful for beginners and professional bagpipers to learn new tunes

What’s new in version 1.1.6

Version 1.1.6:
  • Updated app to use both architectures devices.
View older Bagpipe Player versions

Bagpipe Player for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.6
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