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HomeLifestyle & HobbyKidsBabybas in the heaven

Babybas in the heaven for Mac

Colorful storybook for very young children.

In English

Babybas in the heaven overview

Babybas in the heaven is a colorful storybook for very young children.

A sunny morning, Emily went to her Cousin Hawke's house and then the playful brother and the sister got into argument over an apple. Hawke's mother told them a story about Babybas in order that they might learn mutual humility from it. The Babybas in the heaven lived a happy life every day. However, the Babybas in the hell were enduring hunger and misery all day. Why was there such a big contrast? The reason was simple that they did not know mutual humility and help each other. I hope after reading this story the children could understand a truth, helping others is actually helping yourself!

Babybas in the heaven for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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