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Baby Decks DJ for Mac

Dual turntable digital vinyl system.

In English

Baby Decks DJ overview

Baby Decks DJ, which single-handedly started the tablet turntablism revolution on the iPad, is now making its debut on the Mac!

Baby Decks DJ is a dual turntable Digital Vinyl System (DVS) that faithfully emulates needle on vinyl, enabling you to scratch and mix on your computer. Brought to you by Async, the same people who brought you Baby Scratch and Flare Scratch for the iPhone, Baby Decks is the answer to all your digital DJing needs and will have you scratching at home all day, or rocking the party all night.


  • 2 turntables
  • OS X 10.7 Lion compatibility
  • Mixing and cueing via secondary audio device
  • Record your mixes
  • iTunes Library integration
  • Cross fader
  • Cue cross fader (with 2nd audio device)
  • Pitch control
  • 2 transformer bars

What’s new in version 1.0.3

Version 1.0.3:
  • Fixed stuck cross fader on 32-bit machines (sorry!)
  • Bug fixes
View older Baby Decks DJ versions

Baby Decks DJ for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.3
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