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AutoMile for Mac

Automatically record mileage.

In English
Based on 3 user rates

AutoMile overview

AutoMile is an alternative to other mileage tracking apps that require recording your car's odometer reading. With AutoMile, you simply record where you went and it'll do the rest: looking up the distance traveled between stops, and keeping a running total of miles traveled. Better yet, you can do your recording when it's convenient for you: at the end of the day or the end of the year. It doesn't matter with AutoMile.

What’s new in version 2.0.7

Version 2.0.7:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.10 or later

  • Minor bug fixes
  • Discontinued support for files created before AutoMile 2.0
View older AutoMile versions

AutoMile for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.7
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(3 Reviews of AutoMile)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Apr 6 2013
Apr 6 2013
Version: 1.2.2
First off, thanks for giving us a demo! This helps so very much. I think I've finally found the mileage app I've been looking for for so long! Not having to record odometer readings is great. And the way this app does things, all you have to do is enter in addresses [and yes, it would be nice to see Contact integration for doing this quickly] and then drag locations to make trips. I just bought this a few days ago and I can go back and enter trips from the beginning of the year. This also means that I can just spend a few moments once a week and enter all my trips--and corresponding notes--for the previous week. Sweet! The half-star rating is for the price, which is a bit steep, Thanks for a nice app!
Michael Frankel
Michael Frankel
Apr 5 2013
Apr 5 2013
Version: 1.2.2
The "demo" lets you add addresses but does not have any way to add a "trip". Without being able to do this, the demo is completely useless. Also, would be helpful to allow locations to be added directly from the Address Book...
Nov 4 2012
Nov 4 2012
Version: 1.0.5
This I Like! Quick, easy, convenient. As always a couple of wishes but mainly with the export file - would like to see dates in dd/mm/yyyy rather that yyyy/mm/dd - makes it easier for a lazy person, like me, to transfer the data to FileMaker. Would also love an iPad version.
Apr 6 2013
Apr 6 2013
Version: null
Michael Frankel
Michael Frankel
Apr 5 2013
Apr 5 2013
Version: null
Nov 4 2012
Nov 4 2012
Version: null