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Autodesk Arnold for Mac

Global illumination rendering software.

In English

Autodesk Arnold overview

Autodesk Arnold is an advanced Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer that helps you deliver beautiful and predictable results.

  • Navigate through the software with simple and intuitive controls.
  • Produce professional-grade renders with full artistic control.
  • Get immediate results with interactive rendering.

What’s new in version

Bug Fixes
  • ARNOLD-12299 - Crash when writing .ass file expanding procs without a render session
  • ARNOLD-12232 - Memory leak when rendering deep EXR layers
  • ARNOLD-11809 - Random crash when rendering multiple scenes in parallel
  • ARNOLD-12211 - [GPU] Optix denoiser memory leak when creating and destroying render sessions successively
  • ARNOLD-12177 - [GPU] Crash with ramp shader after aborting due to an error
  • ARNOLD-12166 - [GPU] Texture memory leak when creating and destroying render sessions successively
  • ARNOLD-12165 - [GPU] Incorrect volume bounds
  • ARNOLD-357 - [Licensing] Licensing error "[clm.v1] product key not found
  • ARNOLD-12144 - [maketx] Unwanted log messages
  • ARNOLD-12171 - [MaterialX] Crash when exporting a volume shader to MaterialX
  • ARNOLD-11198 - [MaterialX] Connection is ignored when a node input also has a defined value
  • usd#1073 Resolve node attributes from referenced files
  • usd#1093 Fix instanceable references in the same USD file
  • usd#1104 Compute visibility until the eventual root prim
  • usd#1129 Support UsdUvTexture relative paths with udims
  • usd#1133 Set outputs layer names only if required
  • usd#1136 Fix uninitialized UV coords with leftHanded meshes

Full list of changes available here

View older Autodesk Arnold versions

Autodesk Arnold for Mac

In English
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