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Animal Typing for Mac

Simple, fun way to learn touch typing.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Animal Typing overview

Animal Typing is a simple and funny way to learn touch typing for all ages. The animal you get depends on your typing skills. The faster you type, the faster is your animal (snail, rabbit, horse, etc.). However, be careful, Animal Typing also greatly rewards your accuracy. So, avoid the typos and get the cheetah!

  • 32 lessons to gradually learn the keyboard keys.
  • Also include a second set of 32 lessons for kids under 10 years old.
  • Animated fingers showing the proper typing technique.
  • Keyboard layouts: Qwerty, Dvorak, Colemak, Workman, Qwertz (German), Azerty (France).
    • (Kids Lessons are designed for the Qwerty and Dvorak layout.)
  • Include advanced lessons for specials characters (1234... #$%[]...).
  • Include the Kids Lessons in Arabic.
  • Local user login system.
  • Integrated with OS X: Retina Display, iCloud, Game Center, full-screen mode, social media, automatically detects your keyboard layout, etc.

What’s new in version 3.16

  • Updated ghosts: you can now play against other user ghosts.
  • Updated user login.
  • Added Cyrillic keyboards.
View older Animal Typing versions

Animal Typing for Mac

In English
Version 3.16
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May 19 2021
May 19 2021
Version: 3.6.1