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AlphaPlugins FireFor for Mac

Photoshop plug-in for fire and smoke effects.

In English

AlphaPlugins FireFor overview

AlphaPlugins FireFor is incredibly handy for creating natural-looking smoke and fire effects in Adobe Photoshop. An effortless, intuitive process helps you playfully achieve attractive and realistic results. This plug-in is specially designed to work in hi-res and high-quality compositions, with fast rendering and attractive, quality output. AlphaPlugins FireFor comes with a set of factory presets so you can dive right in and experiment with its power. Key flame and smoke effects are grouped into wizard palettes, and can be applied with the simple click of a mouse.

What’s new in version 1.0

Version 1.0:
  • Initial release
View older AlphaPlugins FireFor versions

AlphaPlugins FireFor for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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