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HomeFinanceTradingAlesco Trade Journal

Alesco Trade Journal for Mac

Utility for trader's to record their thoughts and notes.

In English

Alesco Trade Journal overview

Alesco Trade Journal is a Mac application designed by traders, for traders. It allows traders to record thoughts and notes before, during, and after a trading day. It also will track trades along with chart snapshots, giving traders a visual history of trading decisions. Combine these features and traders can more readily identify strengths and weaknesses in their trading habits and strategies.


  • Notes are grouped by trading day
  • Notes can be be given a ticker symbol which is then used to automatically link them with a trade in the reports
  • Flag notes for followup
  • Record support/resistance levels for key market indices for quick trend identification

Trade Tracking:

  • Attach entry and exit chart images to each trade
  • Chart image thumbnails can be viewed full-size with a single click
  • Assign trades to a specific trading strategy
  • Provide a reason for each order of a trade
  • Automatic profit calculation


  • Filter reports by ticker and date
  • Journal report with notes grouped by day
  • Notes report with notes only
  • Flagged Notes report with notes flagged for follow up
  • Trades report showing trade/order details
  • Trades with Notes report which also adds notes relevant to each trade

What’s new in version 1.0.9

Version 1.0.9:
  • CSV export
  • Title bar now includes the account name
  • Added strategies to the reports
  • Improved auto profit calculation
  • Misc bug fixes
View older Alesco Trade Journal versions

Alesco Trade Journal for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.9
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