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AirShot for Mac

Location-based dynamic wallpaper for macOS.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

AirShot overview

AirShot is a menu bar application that automatically sets an aerial image as your desktop wallpaper. It’s up to you to either use your own location or a random location in the world.

  • Your location: Discover your surroundings from a new perspective. AirShot will use your location to set the desktop wallpaper. Your wallpaper will change accordingly if you travel to a new location.
  • Random location: Don’t want to use your location? AirShot will choose a random location in the world to set the desktop wallpaper. This offers a unique way to discover our planet.
  • Altitude: Change the altitude of the aerial image to your liking. You can choose from three levels of altitude.
  • Dark mode: AirShot supports Dark Mode by changing the aerial image to a darkened map view.
  • Offline mode: Working from a location with limited or no connection? Don't worry, AirShot comes with a selection of 45 high-resolution images to make sure you will always have a beautiful wallpaper.

What’s new in version 1.1.2

  • Bug fix: offline maps
View older AirShot versions

AirShot for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.2
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Aug 25 2021
Aug 25 2021
Version: 1.0