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AdWords Editor for Mac

Create and upload your Google AdWords campaigns.

In English

AdWords Editor overview

Google AdWords Editor is Google's free, downloadable account management application for your computer. Download your AdWords account to your computer, make your changes, then upload your revised campaigns.

  • Navigate your account quickly and easily
  • Make bulk changes to keywords and ad text
  • Work offline, then upload your changes
  • Copy and paste keywords and ad text
  • Circulate proposed changes and get feedback

What’s new in version 12.6

Version 12.6:
Google Ads Editor 12.6 includes two custom rule updates:
  • Custom rules now apply to all campaigns, including all enabled, paused, pending, or draft campaigns. However, custom rules won’t apply to removed or finished campaigns.
  • Your audience list must have at least 1,000 active users. If your audience list has fewer than 1,000 active users (updated from 100 active users) and you want to use it for a Search campaign or ad group, your ads won’t serve against this list until more active users are added.
Two new custom rules have been added to Google Ads Editor 12.6:
  • If your expanded text ad doesn’t include a second description and a third headline, you’ll be reminded to enter them to help improve your click-through rate (CTR).
  • Your tracking template must use the HTTPS protocol. If your tracking template uses HTTP instead of HTTPS, you’ll be reminded to update the tracking template. Using HTTP in the tracking template can disrupt your click measurement and redirect systems.

Full list of changes available here

View older AdWords Editor versions

AdWords Editor for Mac

In English
Version 12.6
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(1 Reviews of AdWords Editor)

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  • User Ratings

Aug 10 2009
Aug 10 2009
Version: 7.5.2
Still a bit clunky but easier than using the on-line system
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