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Active Users for Mac

Real-time Google Analytics in the menu bar.

In English

Active Users overview

Active Users is a menu-bar app that gives you convenient access to your real-time Google Analytics data. It lives in the top right of your screen (next to the battery indicator and Spotlight) and displays the number of real-time active users on your site. Clicking on it opens up a menu that enables you to explore your data in greater detail.

  • Display the real-time active users on your site in your menu bar
  • Get real-time notification center, email, and text alerts about the live traffic on your site (premium)
  • Quickly hide or show the menu-bar metric
  • Quickly view the real-time active users across all your sites
  • Quickly view real-time dashboards showing geographic, traffic source, and page data for your active users
  • Open up a fully-expandable, real-time dashboard with a large zoomable map
  • Visualize your traffic-source data on the dashboard maps (premium)

Note: This application contains in-app and/or external module purchases.

What’s new in version 1.1.9

Version 1.1.9:
  • Added pro version which includes 20-second menu bar refresh rate and no ads. (+ bug fixes + performance)
View older Active Users versions

Active Users for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.9
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