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5by5 Radio for Mac

Listen to live recordings of 5by5 podcasts.

In English

5by5 Radio overview

5by5 Radio is the official application for listening to the live recordings of 5by5 shows. It is a menubar-based application that monitors the current live stream and lets you know when your favorite shows are being recorded.


  • Listen to the 5by5 live stream from a convenient menubar app
  • Subtle icon notifications for current stream state
  • Quick access to the Recording schedule page
  • Automatically pauses iTunes/Spotify when it starts playing.
  • Optionally auto-start playback of your favorite shows
  • Optionally launch Colloquy/WebChat when playback begins

What’s new in version 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1:
  • Dynamically update the list of available shows. Now whenever a new show is added to the 5by5 lineup, 5by5 Radio will immediately display it as an option.
View older 5by5 Radio versions

5by5 Radio for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.1
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